Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cradle to Cradle

I like the optimism that William McDonough and Michael Braungart have in Cradle to Cradle. With all the negative research and publishings we see today about the impact that we are having on the environment, it is refreshing to see a positive outlook. It was interesting to see how they both interpreted the relationship between the environment and industry. Personally, i think that the industrial revolution has had a negative impact on the environment, no matter what sort of angle one attempts to take. Technology is great, and i am thankful for it-i dont know how my grandmother grew up without running water-but i think that it has undoubtedly had an immense negative impact on the environment. Unfortunately, as much as i love McDonough and Braungart's ideas of innovative architecture and commodities, i dont know if they alone can save the planet, especially given the way our current society is structured. I think that using completely recyclable or completely biodegradable products is a wonderful step for consumption in the future, but it needs to in addition to practical disposal of old waste and most importantly, adjusted levels of consumption. i think that an issue that is just as important, and that should be raised simultaneously with what we consume, is how much we consume. solving the environmental concerns of one alone will not save the planet.

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