Thursday, January 31, 2008

week one question

I agree with everyone else that there really isn't one environmental problem that is more important than another. Although some problems, like deforestation may have a larger, more immediate impact, in terms of destruction of habitats and few trees to clean the air, many other issues are just as pressing. If sea levels rise too much, coastlines will change. If the poles warm too much, glaciers and ice coverings will melt. If our climates warm too much, weather patterns will change, most likely causing more severe storms. they are all important global environmental problems.

Living in an environmentally friendly way is also a subjective phrase. on the most basic level, those in the developing, or more accurately, the underdeveloped world are the only ones who live truly environmentally friendly lives. The majority do not drive or use electricity. and they do not consume food at the level that the developed nations do. However, living in the developed world i think that while we may not be completely environmentally friendly in the same respect as the underdeveloped word, the term has come to be a relative term. relative to many other individuals, i try to be environmentally friendly. I recycle at home in NY (DC doesnt seem to believe in recycling), i take cloth bags to the grocery store, i turn the lights off. Everything that i have been taught to do to be "environmentally friendly" i do. Unfortunately i do still drive in DC. I guess i still have some room to become more environmentally friendly.

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